Once upon a time, a writer crawled out of the darkness that shrouded his existence casting shadows onto the page from his scars. He found through these expositions of rhyme and reason to be beyond cathartic. Beyond sustaining. It was life saving. Then one day he found a small corner of the web where he felt comfortable sharing his words and his journey. And he found friendships forming through this sharing.
But as time tends to do, it kept moving forward. And in its shifting sands, the writer became buried. Losing track and connection with these friends who meant so much in his journey. But his journey continued. Even being away from this comfortable corner of the web, he kept true to his voice. His pen. His path.
And finally, at long last, as he somehow always knew that it would, his path has led him back here once again...
...hello all! Long time, no see (in that whole virtual sense). I have come back once again to the warm, comfortable waters of DeviantArt and have decided to do so with something of a clean slate. I have taken down everything that I had submitted here before and will be restoring some of them once I have edited them, changing out the preview images and the like.
I hope that all of you who I once followed and interacted with are well (be you here or not), and I look forward to reconnecting with those who I am able. All is good on my end. Things have been very well. Perhaps we will catch up one day soon.