MidnightRose1918 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightrose1918/art/TOT-Team-Celestial-Moon-Ch-1-Event-4-616783632MidnightRose1918

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TOT: Team Celestial Moon Ch 1 Event 4



Green-orbA Helping HandFire-orb 

The day was almost coming to a end, Andrea and Blade go to meet up with Gemma, a member of the Keepers Guild,
but on the way, Andrea see's something shimmering on the ground and goes to see what it is, and picks it up.

Andrea: (It's a pendent, and it looks like the markings on my ears, I wonder if someone lost it?)
Blade: Hey Andrea, come on! we're almost to where we need to meet up with Gemma!
Andrea: Oh, Im coming! (Maybe Ill hold on it for now...)

Andrea places the pendent she found in her exploration bag and caught up to see Gemma talking to Blade about their final task for today

Gemma: Ah you must be Blades teammate
Andrea: yes, the name is Andrea, so what do we need to do?
Gemma: It's really simple actually, all you two need to do is show a act of charity to someone who needs help.

When Blade was talking to Blade about the reward of this simple task, Andrea notice's a slightly dark colored Lilligant with a upset look on her face, from the direction she is walking to, she seems to be walking to a shop like building see's her crying when she approaches the door.

Andrea, walks to the Lilligant and taps her paw on her leaf-like cape

Andrea: Is something wrong miss?
???: Nothings wrong... dont worry about it
Andrea: It's my job to help others in need, so please tell me whats wrong?
???: *Sighs* Well you see... I lost something very important to me...
Andrea: Oh, well I can help you find it
???: That would be helpful, but I've been looking since this morning and I haven't found it yet
Andrea: Hmmm, can you describe what this important thing is?.

???: Well... It's a pendent with a blue like moon with a twinkle like star in the middle...
Andrea: Wait a minute...

Andrea ruffles through her bag and pulls out the pendent she found earlier

Andrea: Is this the pendent?
???: Oh my! Thats the one! I cant believe you found it! Where was it?
Andrea: It was on the main road to the Keepers Guild, it was slightly near one in the alleyways
???: Still I cant thank you enough! you see my mother recently passed away and she gave me this pendent in memory of her
Andrea: Im sorry for your loss miss
???: It's alright, and my name is Lucinda by the way

Blade walks over to Andrea curious on whats going on

Blade: Whats going on here Andrea?
Lucinda: Your Friend returned a precious pendent to me, and I'm not sure on how to thank you for returning it to me
Andrea: Oh its alright you dont need to give us a reward, helping others out is what we do
Lucinda: No it's the lest I can do for you both, now let's see.... I got it!~

Lucinda rushes into the shop, Andrea and Blade look at each other until Lucinda comes back out with a cloak and clip in one vine and a scarf and claw like gloves in the other vine.

Lucinda: This one is for you~

Lucinda says handing the cloak and clip to Andrea

Lucinda: And this one is for you~

Lucinda hand's Blade the scarf and the claw like gloves

Andrea: what are these?

Andrea said pointing out to the claw like gloves and the clip

Lucinda: Oh? Those are what we call Move Tools
Blade: Move Tools?
Lucinda: Mhm~ They are special tools that can power up a certain type of move, like for example Blade you can use Shadow Claw right?
Blade: Yea?
Lucinda: Well the Night Claw Gloves can help power up you Shadow Claw move
Blade: Oh Wow amazing!
Andrea: What move can this clip power up?
Lucinda: Im not sure actually, it's a recently made Move Tool my mother made before she passed away, but she did say it works on the Fenniken evolution line, so maybe one of your next evolution's will have the move that works with the clip.

Andrea: Ah I see
Blade: Well we need to go report to Gemma now
Lucinda: Alright then~

Blade start's walking back to Gemma's charity booth

Lucinda: Andrea
Andrea: Hm? Yes Lucinda?
Lucinda: If your accessory's get ripped or badly damaged, then you and your partner are always welcome to come here at the Move Tool & Accessories Shop~
Andrea: Thank's Lucinda we'll keep that in mind

Andrea said with a smile as she rushes off to catch up with Blade and meet up with Gemma again

Gemma: I saw the entire thing, and I have to say excellent job you two~

Gemma say's handing Blade a Lucario like cross

Gemma: This item is called the Symbol of charity, it should be helpful to you both in the future~
Blade: Thank you Gemma *Yawns*
Andrea: We better make our way home
Gemma: Alright then, have a good evening you two.

Today was extremely tiring for Blade and Andrea, but they feel good for helping out and meeting new friends along the way, but Andrea still hasn't gained back any pieces of her memories back, hopefully soon, Andrea will unlock the door to her memories.

 Symbol of charity
Basic Colored Cloak (White)
Basic Colored Scarf (Black)
Winged Moonlight Clip
Night Claw Gloves

NPC Unlocked: Lucinda The Lilligent, Shopkeeper Of The Move Tool And Accessory Shop

Team Celestial Moon App::iconmidnightrose1918: Team Celestial Moon Application
Lucinda The Lilligant: :iconmidnightrose1918:
Gemma The Lucario: 
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