MidnightRose1918 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightrose1918/art/TOT-Team-Celestial-Moon-Ch-1-Event-3-615244342MidnightRose1918

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TOT: Team Celestial Moon Ch 1 Event 3



Blue-orbEmotional PressureFire-orb

After the conflict against the bandit Xander, Blade and Andrea make their way to the Scholars Guild's building for their next task

Blade: Look's like we're here 
Andrea: Y-Yea... I hope the job we have to do won't be too difficult...
???: Don't worry about that miss, it's a very simple task~

the duo look to see a young shiny female Zorua standing by the door

???: Come on in, I'll explain what we need your help to

the Zorua said as Andrea and Blade walk inside the building.

Blade: So, what is it that we need to do?
???: Well my friend Ginger and me need help cleaning some of the rooms of the Scholar guild's labs from dust, and organize some of the books in the libraries

Andrea: That doesn't sound too bad, by the way, we never got your name 
Alice: Oh I'm sorry for not introducing myself sooner, my name is Alice it's nice to meet you two~

soon enough the three arrived in the library where they see a young Buneary working on clearing the dust from some books

Alice: Hey Ginger~ I brought our helping hand~
Ginger: oh that's good, I'm starting to have a hard time reaching some of these books

the young Buneary said as she jumped down from a stool she was standing on and handed Blade and Andrea each cleaning supplies

Ginger: Alright, now let's get you two started~
Blade: Hmmm, is it possible that you two can give me and my partner some time to talk?

Alice: Well... I guess that's alright, just don't take to long, we'll be on the other side of the Library if you need anything

Alice said as she and Ginger start walking to the other side of the room.

Andrea: What did you want to talk about?

Blade: *Sighs* I've noticed that you've been feeling... off since the fight against Xander, and I want to know what's wrong

Andrea: Oh.. it's nothing, don't worry about it

Blade: No I am gonna worry about it!

Andrea: B-Blade?

Blade: Andrea... I'm your friend, and friends help each other no matter what, so please tell me whats wrong

Andrea's ears droop down with a sad look on her face

Andrea: I was afraid to die during the fight alright?!

Blade: !


Blade walks up to Andrea and holds her close to him causing her to blush

Andrea: B-Blade?

Blade: I... I had no idea on how scared you were... it's my fault for leaving you above ground when I was trying to hit him with dig... I didn't want you to get hurt... I'm so sorry Andrea...

Blade said as he starts to cry for the mistake he made during the fight, but Andrea places her paw on his shoulder

Andrea: Shh It's alright Blade, I forgive you, I know you were trying to end that battle quick <=3

Andrea wipes his tears away with her other and gives him a calming smile 

Blade: Thank you for forgiving me Andrea <=3

Andrea: No problem Blade, now let's get to work ^^

Blade: Right!

so then Blade and Andrea began their task of cleaning the library and some of the research labs alongside Alice and Ginger,

and for helping with the cleaning Alice rewarded them with one Scholar Rep along with one favor and said thank you to

Blade and Andrea for their hard work.


1 Scholar Rep
1 Favor

Team Celestial Moon: :iconmidnightrose1918: Team Celestial Moon Application
Alice The Zorua And Ginger The Buneary :icontalesoftabira:

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