MidnightRose1918 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightrose1918/art/TOT-Celestial-Moon-Chapter-1-Event-1-599875616MidnightRose1918

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TOT: Celestial Moon Chapter 1 Event 1



Blue-orbTeam PortraitFire-orb

In the time of dusk both Blade and Andrea are currently asking anyone in Tabira if they know Andrea, but unfortunately, they have had no success in getting the information they needed.

Soon enough they bumped into a Bayleef carrying paint brushes and paint in her vines grasp, "Oh hello there" the Bayleef greeted, "You two must be new here" she continued saying, "Y-yes we are" Andrea replied while stuttering "Ah I see, oh wait how rude of me, my name is Frankie and I'm a painter of the Artisans Guild its a pleasure to meet you two" Frankie politely said.

"My name is Blade and this is my friend, Andrea, by the way, do you know Andrea here?" Blade asked after introducing himself and Andrea, "I'm sorry I don't think I do, why ask?" Frankie asked, "Well she lost her memories recently and I'm helping her on getting them back" Blade replied.

"Oh I'm sorry bout your memory loss, miss Andrea" Frankie said "Oh wait I have an idea" Frankie continued "why don't you two follow me and maybe a painted portrait will make you feel better" both Blade and Andrea looked at each other and they both nodded in agreement to go with Frankie to her studio. 

A few minutes later they arrived at the studio, "Alright I have enough time for one portrait since it's getting late, so you two have to talk to yourselves on who this portrait is gonna be focused on" Frankie said, Andrea looks up to Blade and says to him "Maybe you should be painted in the portrait" Blade looks at her with a worried frown but then he had a brilliant idea "Excuse me Frankie" Blade started "Hm? yes Blade?" she asked "Is it possible you can paint us both in the portrait?" he asked.

Andrea looked at him with a surprised look, Frankie smiled and replied 'Yup~ it's 100% possible", soon enough Blade picked Andrea up and places her on his head "There we go~ now we can both be in the portrait" Blade says happily while smiling.
Andrea looks down at Blade trying to figure out why he wanted a portrait with both of them in it, Blade looks up to her and says "I want the two of us in this portrait because it would be a good way to start us off for our team right?", Andrea smiles back at him and replied: "Yea it can".

"I'm finished" Frankie announced to both Andrea and Blade, they both had a look to see how great it looked "Wow Frankie this looks really great," Blade said to her in a positive voice "Hehe thank you Blade" Frankie replied, "Here why don't you two keep it?" Frankie said while handing the portrait to Blade. "Thank you so much for this," Andrea said to Frankie "You're welcome Andrea, Have a good evening you two," Frankie said to them both.

"Oh by the way here," she said handing them a piece of paper with a location "Whats this for?" Andrea questioned, "This is one of the locations where the local empty homes are, you can have one of these homes for your little home base" Frankie answered "This works perfectly, considering we have nowhere else to stay at the moment" Blade said, "Well have a good night you two" said Frankie, and so Blade and Andrea followed the little map to the empty house location and settled up in there for the night.

Flattering Portrait

Team Celestial Moon App::iconmidnightrose1918:Team Celestial Moon Application
Frankie The Bayleef::icontalesoftabira:
Image size
6000x5000px 1.36 MB
© 2016 - 2024 MidnightRose1918
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iveechan-art's avatar
Heya, since this is a late chapter submission, only one of the rewards can be taken. So it's either the portrait or the Artisans rep, not both.