MidnightRose1918 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightrose1918/art/TOT-Celestial-Moon-Ch-1-Event-2-600515637MidnightRose1918

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TOT: Celestial Moon Ch 1 Event 2



Fire-orbBlue-orbHeroes Vs Bandits:Black-orb:

Awakening in their new home they received when they met Frankie last evening in Tabira, Blade went outside to get some fresh air until he saw some notices in front of their door, picked them up and walked inside to give Andrea the heads up about them.

"Looks like we got some task's from the other guilds here," said Blade, "Guilds?" Andrea asked in Confusion, Blade face palms himself and said "Right I forgot, you lost your memory, well I'll explain about the four guilds here in Tabira" Andrea seats herself onto a chair with her morning meal "continue" she said "Alright I'll give you a short explanation about the four main guilds here" Blade started to say "First off the Keepers guild supports the Great Tree and keeps the traditional history running throughout Tabira".

"The Trackers Guild are-" "Oh hold on there Blade there's some papers here explaining the guilds" Andrea said while Interrupting Blade "Oh... well then I guess that works too" Blade replied slightly disappointed, "Welp, let's have a look at these then" Blade said now feeling a bit better, "Wait what is this?" Andrea said as she came across one of the tracker guilds task notices, "Let me see that" Blade asked, Andrea slides the notice over to Blade with her paw. Blade pick's the notice up and started reading "A Braxien by the name of Xavier is blocking the road to Mosswood, challenging travelers to a duel which results from him stealing items by using the move called Magic Room, either convince him to leave or accept his challenge and defeat him in battle but don't kill him, from the leader of the Trackers Guild, Vander".

"That's what it says," Blade said, Andrea jumps off of her chair, stretches and says "We better get this done then", Blade gets off his chair, nods and they made their way to the road that will lead them to 
Xavier. A while later they arrived at their destination and soon enough the Braxien that the notice described walked to them from behind a tree, "You must be Xander I presume" Andrea said, "Ah so you two have heard of me?" Xavier asked, "Oh we definitely heard about you, from the trackers guild that is" Blade sarcastically answers, "I see..." Xavier replied disappointed  "Anyway... if you know about me then you know what's going to happen next," Xander said as he took a combat like stance with a Fire Pledge prepared in his wand-like stick.

"We couldn't agree more" Blade replied as he and Andrea prepare a Poison Jab and a Flamethrower attack, "Then let's begin!" 
Xavier announced, at that point the battle has commenced, Blade attempts to use several poison jabs but Xander keeps avoiding them, soon enough Blade came up with a quick idea, and quickly started to dig underground without Xander noticing, Andrea's does her best to keep her defenses up since she had no attacks that could do some damage to Xander.

Xavier manages to land a strong Shock Wave on Andrea causing her to be Paralyzed "Oh shoot!" Andrea quietly yelled out "Well I believe I have won this fight"  
Xavier said with a smirk, but Xavier see's Andrea shivering in pure fear "A-Are you alright?" he calmly asked, Andrea didn't reply and her eyes were slowly turning into a silver-white kind of color until Blade landed a critical Dig on Xavier causing Xander to pass out.

"Alright that should take care of him" Blade said in triumph, as he turned to look at Andrea to see if she was alright, he saw her badly shaking in fear, Blade walked up to her and held her close to him "Shh, it's alright Andrea I'm here" Blade said quietly.
Andrea's eyes reverted back to her golden eyes and looked at Blade "W-What happened to Xander?" she asked as if she doesn't remember what happened.

"Well, I took out 
Xavier" Blade points to the Unconscious Xavier "Oh that's good, sorry for not doing much" Andrea replied slightly upset "Hey its alright, don't worry about it, I Mean you distracted him long enough for me to hit him" Blade replied in hopes of cheering her up, "I agree with your partner there miss, it was excellent teamwork for the two of you" said a male Hitmonchan ash he walked up to the two "W-Who Are You?" Andrea asked now calming down "Oh how rude of me, I'm Vander, the leader of the Trackers Guild nice to meet you two" "It's nice to meet you two Vander" Blade replied in a calm voice "Well I thank you both for getting Xander out of the way, now travelers should be safe going down this path" Vander said, "It's not a problem Vander sir" says Andrea.

"Well we better go to our next task," Blade said while helping Andrea on her feet, "Have a good day you two," Vander says to the duo.

 2 Tracker Guild
2 Favor

Team Celestial Moon: :iconmidnightrose1918: 
Team Celestial Moon Application
Vander The Hitmonchan And Xavier The Braxien: :icontalesoftabira:

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