MidnightRose1918 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightrose1918/art/PMDS-Mission-0-Rotten-Eggs-718560972MidnightRose1918

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PMDS Mission 0: Rotten Eggs



Green-orbDistracting The Grump:Silver-orb:

Luther: And why should I bother contributing to this childish joke?

The Rockruff Luther asked the Marowak leader Flint, as he appears to be in a hurry

Flint: Look, I dont want 
Druazen to get in the way
Luther: How do you even expect me to distract him anyway?
Flint: I Dont know, just do anything to keep him off my tail

Flint said taking his leave.

Luther took a look at the basket of rotten eggs he was given, thinking of how to distract Druazen, but soon enough a plan came to his head

Luther: Hmm.. If I can aim accurately then this can work...

several minutes later on the outskirts of town, Druazen was looking like his annoyed angry self, as he was looking for Flint

Druazen: When I find that jerk, I swear Im gonna-

little did Druazen expect he got hit with a rotten egg to the head

Druazen: W-What the?!

As he looked up, several more eggs flew towards him, hitting him in several spots.

Druazen: Grr... WHO DID THAT?!

Druazen angerly asked but, he spots Luther with the basket of rotten eggs and a plank of wood

Druazen: Why you little-
Luther: Come catch me if you can old man!
Druazen: Old Man?! 

The Gallade yelled off beginning the chase to catch Luther, even though Druazen Has the speed advantage, Luther's Cunning And Crafty techniques seems to outmatch Druazen and manages to escape.

Luther Of Team Infinite Wolf::iconmidnightrose1918: Team Infinite Wolf App
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MonsterMonsoon's avatar
Please be aware you are past the due date for Mission 0 and will not receive the reward