When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
-Alexander Graham Bell
Current Residence: reality city, la la land
deviantWEAR sizing preference: why is this of importance? O_<
Print preference: alas, must i repeat what i said above? >_O
Favourite genre of music: metal, rock, alternative, punk, classic music with a twist
Favourite photographer: The one who takes pictures
Favourite style of art: every style of art can be stunning. why choose?
Operating System: Brain. Or heart. --- Depends on situation
MP3 player of choice: is there relevance to this?
Shell of choice: that of the sea i would say
Wallpaper of choice: relevance?
Skin of choice: ...alien
Favourite cartoon character: Danny Phantom and Static Shock woo!
Personal Quote: Rock the world till it crumbles in the palm of your hand. -me
None at the moment.
Just 1.
Like 2 or 3.
Gah, 4 to 5.
Losing sleep, 6 - ?