North Barkaville Railroad Poster ShenanigansMidnightbatizer on DeviantArt

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North Barkaville Railroad Poster Shenanigans


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Artistic and North Barkaville Railroad Notes

A fun fact about myself, another hobby I've chosen to do is related to railroad shenanigans which includes creating personal layouts, mainly through a game called Rolling Line. I've worked with a close friend to create a fictional Railroad named North Barkaville Railroad while also having created the mascot, Jack Barkaville as shown here, to represent the silly fictional railroad. It's a railroad that has a heavy emphasis on EMD F7's and Heritage Locomotives.

As a part of a layout I am designing, I am making a series of so called "Safety" posters that I'm going to import into the layout that I'm making digitally with this poster being an example of that. It's honestly a fun project I decided to do outside of artistic shenanigans which is something I am going to continue working on, so with that said, thank you for reading the description if you did and I hope ya'll have a good rest of your night. - Midnightbatizer

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GandyDancinGoat's avatar


Looks awesome and i too am working on a fictional railroad. Really sweet work and curious on the posters for such a neat railroad. Keep up the great work! =3