midnight21 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnight21/art/Friends-Forever-WIP-539967692midnight21

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midnight21's avatar

Friends Forever (WIP)



Just a WIP pic of young Helios, aged 4 years old holding his hypo allergic kitten Nutella, who grew up with him and stayed with him up until he was 22 years old. Nutella passed away eventually but helios adopted two more cats named Cadbury and Twix since he loves chocolate as much as he loves his cats. Poor Vinnie. How will he survive dealing with 6 kids and a cat?

Helios and Nutella are my characters. Please don't use without my permission. Thank you.
Image size
527x797px 60.75 KB
© 2015 - 2024 midnight21
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mysterysneeze's avatar
This is a really sweet, really nice picture...and Vinnie. Poor guy. He's got a lot to deal with XD. It's a really good thing that cat is hypo allergic.

Great work on the cat, and I like the ears and hair here :)