MidknightStarr on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midknightstarr/art/Celtic-Corner-Frame-Brushes-35943347MidknightStarr

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Celtic Corner Frame Brushes



This is my very first set of brushes. I kept it simple because I am still learning how to do this. They are made from a celtic frame font. There are a total ot 24 brushes.

I made them on Photoshop CS v.8 and I hope that someone finds a use for them.

Credit is nice, but not necessary, but comments will make me feel all warm and fuzzy-like and it would be nice to know if anyone likes them. :aww:

Edit: I don't have an image pack for these, but I can make one by request if anyone is interested...
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prika-senpai's avatar
awesome work!!!!!