micronomicon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/micronomicon/art/Medusa-s-Garden-Afterlife-213255654micronomicon

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micronomicon's avatar

Medusa's Garden: Afterlife



Hand painted in Photoshop CS 5 with a simulated paint brush, blurring and gradient effects.

Actual Resolution: Huge! 6760x6760 (57x57cm)
D.A. Resolution: 1280x1280

Some may recognise this as a repaint of the original graphite version (since deleted), which was limited to 1666x1666. It is also painted in conjunction with the final version of Medusa's Garden:

Unusually for me, this work is also associated with it's own theme tune, They Escaped the Weight of Darkness.

Thanks for your comments as always.


Image size
1280x1280px 651.83 KB
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