microbot23 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/microbot23/art/Red-Apple-108646351microbot23

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

January 9, 2009
" This deviant caries a unique surreal style of painting that is not only aesthetically pleasing but technically incredible. "

Red Apple by ~microbot23
Featured by PurpelBlur
Suggested by lost-exile
microbot23's avatar

Red Apple



Red Apple, the forbidden fruit
150x80cm, photoshop with tablet

"Shiny apple rotten on the inside
Skin is smooth but you soul is soft
Oh you look so appetising but
Taste the truth it’ll make you spit

And how long have I known you now
But I knew after just one taste
And how long has my mouth been sour
It’s been sour ever since that day

And how long can I go on like this
Knowing what I know anyway
But it makes me feel helpless to
Stand and watch while you rot away"
Image size
1500x796px 823.58 KB
© 2009 - 2024 microbot23
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LunarniModul's avatar
Interesting work, i like it ! How long did it take you to paint it ?