www.microbot.chYou can press the Blue Button on the right to go into the backend engine and type by your keyboard. Type help for a comand list. There's a lot more comands I used for debug stuff and unfinished ideas/modules of the computer. so play around. For example rundown will get the LOST button to 3:00 so you dont have to wait so long :)More will be done with this in the future. Just fun.For now you have to wait 23 seconds in the beginning. Take some time of silence for what happen 9 years ago. Always remember!Feedback is welcome since this is an ongoing project atm :)
More works will be added soon.Shortcuts:
Next: Key arrow right
Am doing a project on a digital artist, I would love to do one on you but I can't find any info on you online. (Good job at keeping yourself hidden) sucks because I really love your work and would have loved to make a presentation on you.