michaelsboost on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/michaelsboost/art/Electronic-GIMP-Script-123319582michaelsboost

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michaelsboost's avatar

Electronic GIMP Script



This is the first GIMP script I've ever created, and I hope you guys like it. The script is located in Filters-Render-Electronic

If you view the code when you go to download it, just save page as Electronic.scm

Installing Script on Windows:
Just move the script you downloaded to C:\Users\USERNAME\.gimp-2.6\scripts

NOTE: I couldn't seem to get this script to work on Linux. So I'm not sure if it works on Linux or not.

What's unique about this script is the fact that you don't haft to have a gimp document already in progress you can just use the script, and it'll do it's magic, and you'll have the final result, and you can do whatever tweaks you want to it.

If you like my work you can support me by donating: tinyurl.com/nje3ewf
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crypticfragments's avatar
would be useful if it didn;t open a new image dialog rather than fill the layer you are working with