MichaelO on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/michaelo/art/Olya-Nina-83540345MichaelO

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This is one of my personal favorites. Particularly because I had created this image based off of a friends photo of someone she knows in Russia. Little did I know that I would later go to Russia with my friend and not only meet this girl but have a photo shoot with her too! :w00t!:

When I met her she brought this jacket and I now have a picture of us together, doing this pose. This so far is the only time I've met the model after the fact and that was very exciting.

I love my job!

Model: Olya Kabulova

:bulletblue: Same model as: SKIN DEEP [link]
Image size
850x573px 109.63 KB
© 2008 - 2024 MichaelO
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OldMjolnir's avatar
She would be unforgettable, I am sure.