To celebrate a whole month worth of doodles, here are all 31 thumbnails for every day of May!Featuring:Judge Dredd, Thor, Steve McArthur, Selina Kyle, Tellymakeus, Powergirl, Arnold Rimmer, Doctor Octopus, Loki, Iron Man, He-Man, Gordon Freeman, Katniss Everdeen, Harry Potter, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Boba Fett,
Jessie from Toy Story, Hit Girl, Doctor Who, Beetlejuice, Javik from Mass Effect 3, Daenerys, Cyclops, Axe Cop, Asterix, Wonder Woman, Samus Aran, Sailor Moon (which inspired this whole thing), Necromantic, Juliet from Lollipop Chainsaw and finally, Finn from Adventure Time:thumb368991753: :thumb369370663: :thumb369370925: :thu...