MLP Heart's Carol: Background (Full Stage View)mewtwo-EX on DeviantArt

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MLP Heart's Carol: Background (Full Stage View)



A background from S02E11, Hearth's Warming Eve. This is a part of a collaboration with *LazyPixel. This scene appears at the end during the wonderful song. I'm trying to be show accurate, so please point out any issues! My first time doing a background. They're pretty simple....just time consuming.

Collaboration Files by =mewtwo-EX & *LazyPixel
:bulletpink: Complete show view: [link]
:bulletpurple: Complete full-stage view: [link]
:bulletpurple: Show view background: [link]
:bulletpurple: Full-stage background: [link]
:bulletpurple: Spike, AJ, FS: [link]
:bulletpink: TS, Rarity: [link]
:bulletpink: PP, RD: [link]
:bulletpurple: Wreath: [link]

:bulletpink::bulletpurple: ZIP Download of all source files: [link].

Made in Illustrator. Took a long time.

Reference: [link]
Colors: [link]

Vector trace for all parts by me.

Thanks to *LazyPixel and *Quasdar for error checking.

:iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz: All of the AI files are linked above. If you use any of them, send/comment us (=mewtwo-EX and *LazyPixel) a link to the finished product and give credit and link-back in the description. Thanks!

:iconnoncommercial1plz::iconnoncommercial2plz: :iconccwelcomedplz1::iconccwelcomedplz2:

MLP:FiM is a Hasbro property

Edit 12/22: Can you believe it? I forgot the stage lights!
Image size
9772x7409px 2.34 MB
© 2012 - 2025 mewtwo-EX
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