Methuselah3000's avatar


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Artist // Varied
  • Deviant for 13 years
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (130)

Profile Comments 97

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it's been so long Justin Fairfield, when will you return to upload more aliens and creatures?.
now you deleted all the drawings of non-metroid creatures like the Xeelotherion, why?.
Dude, in 5 years on this site, you got only a hundred lama badges? An artistic genius such as you deserves a couple thousands more, and that's only in their first year =)

now all of his non-metroid is gone long ago, and he is still inactive for years, maybe he is dead?, i'm afraid since i loved his art.

Your work is fabulous! I love the fluidity inherent in each of them. Do you have your subject in mind when you begin, or does it kinda of build dynamically as you go?
Thank you. I do usually have the basic idea of my drawings outlined initially, but I do like to alter and transform them during the process and see where they go, trying to infuse my work with a sort of textural rhythm.