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Painting Tutorial



Another tutorial! I know I've made some like these before but this one is more in-depth!

Step 1: Flat Colors and Sketch
This step is pretty self-explanatory. Just make a sketch, color it, slap some colors under it and boom! First step done. One tip though: cleaner sketches make Step 3 much easier!!

Step 2: Rough Shading
In this step I block in the general shading and lighting. I mostly use blue/purple on multiply and yellow/orange on overlay.

Step 3: Refining
First I merge all the layers (I usually keep a background on its own layer). Then, blend out and refine the shading. Make sure to leave some harsh lines like the ones pointed out!
(Note: Complex/small markings tend to get lost in this step, so adjust your subject/brush/technique accordingly)

Step 4: Effects
I add some more variation with multiply + overlay. I also add a blob of colors on overlay and low opacity.
(I learned that last technique from @/FluffyGoatDaddy!)

Step 5: Details
Here I just mess around until I think it's done! I changed the saturation, the position and color of the eye, cleaned up the sketch a bit, etc.
(Do whatever you think the painting needs in this step! It can be totally different from what I did for this specific painting)

Art by Me
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1815x687px 678.38 KB
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Barbull's avatar
thank you for the easy to follow guide! 

even though I roughly follow similar steps as it is, seeing it gave me the boost i needed to pull my tablet back out after a long tough break from art

your style is really smooth and fluid, it's such a pleasure to see your art :)