New year new me, lets start off with the easy things
Fav color: Purple,Green,i'd say black but that's not a color
Art style?hoto, pencil drawings, anime/manga
What is art to you: To me art is the feeling that you feel, weath it be painting,drawing,words or moving you're body art is some that makes you feel
Now that aside i must say this i'm a free lance artist, if some one gives me an ideal of some to draw, i'll be more then happy to draw up some thing for free, i don't use this site for money i use it for love and ideals
Which Attack On Titan Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Art gear:M.Pencil,pen,paststill,color pencil,cool pix camera
I'm gamed to draw some thing for any one just send me a link to what you want me to draw or i'll help with (OC's The more deteals the better)
What Style Fits You?
Hosted By Anime
What Eevee Evolution Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Dark Type Pokemon Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Element Fits You Best?
Hosted By Anime
What Part Of The Military Would You Be In?
Hosted By Anime