ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Hey!!! There is a Discord server that Niivu create. If anyone is interested
Deviation Actions
New UltraUXThemepatcher (v 3.3.1) fix the mmc.exe errors so finally the themes from previous Creators Update 1703 works fine on Fall Creators 1709.
Creators Update themes should work fine for new Fall Creators Update; You just need to follow this guide: (In resume the same as always; install ultraUXthemepatcher 3.3 and put files in Windows/Resources/Themes and apply from Windows Personalize
For those having problems with the themes (like captions buttons not working...) its probably because of some W10 Updates so... You need to 1. Select Default Windows10 theme. 2. Uninstall Uxtheme patcher. 3.Reboot. 4.Install New Version of Uxthemepat...
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