Dynamic Dirt and Grass Brushesmerrypranxter on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/merrypranxter/art/Dynamic-Dirt-and-Grass-Brushes-168024101merrypranxter

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merrypranxter's avatar

Dynamic Dirt and Grass Brushes



Here are some dynamic brushes i made. To use them, set your foreground & background colors to 2 different shades of green or brown (or whatever), set them to the size you want, & brush, or stroke a path with them. They look best if you do 2 different layers & set the top to multiply. Just play around with different blend modes & colors.

FREE for personal AND commercial use. Spread the photoshop joy around. But if you do use them, i'd appreciate it if you'd show me some love... maybe include a link so i can see what fabulous things you make with them!
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RuggedCatCast's avatar
I used it, it was fun to mess around with when I downloaded it. I'll enjoy making background with it too :D
