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Harondor ambush

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Something I've been working on for quite a while. Many hours spent. I've been learning patience on this one. If I find something to adjust, I'll upload a fixed version. But I have to take a break from this.


"A southern Gondorian noble is ambushed by a Harondor (north Haradrim) raiding party.
To the left is a Karka cavalryman - Karka is probably a name derived from Carca in Quenya and it means "fang". Young warriors trying to prove themselves join the light Karka cavalry to serve as scouts and raiders. To the right is an officer of a heavy infantry regiment. Archer from the same regiment is hesitant to take a shot as he might hit his friends."
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1201x889px 538.67 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Merlkir
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Toraach's avatar
I like this picture. How you draw their armor, horses, whole situation. I'm interested in Harondor, this region always seems interesting for me. I plan to write a fanfiction about the gondorians, and some plot will take place there. Also in Divide and Conquer a sub mod for modification Third Age: Total War, I've played a lot of time as Dol Amroth, and fought there :) So this picture matches my experiences with that region. 

It reminds me great Angus McBridge's ilustrations for Osprey Publishing.