RacismMerlinVonBaron on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/merlinvonbaron/art/Racism-1108951824MerlinVonBaron

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Prismacolor fine liners with fancy numbers on it. The ink keeps going.

Almost the last of my Azure markers. New markers on the way.

Grandpa taught me about Racism. He talked to this very evil looking griffin. The dragons shunned him because he looked like a demon. The demons hated him because they despise all. The griffins rejected him because he looked like a dragon. He had more knowledge about people, books, and could recite much scripture. And yet he looked evil. "Do not judge a griffin by its feathers." Grandpa said.

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3282x2421px 6.12 MB
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RolfDBruehwiler's avatar

Dann cool drawings! Awesome!