The Textures Feature Vol. III

7 min read

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mercurycode's avatar

Hi everyone!

Actually I don't really have that much news to share with you, however I want to say thanks to everyone who bought and/or faved my first premium texture pack! I felt like I was getting a lot of support from you guys and I cannot express how happy that makes me feel. So now I'll be showing you my current texture favorites, before going on a texture hunt and then check out Berlin's street food thursday, both in the pleasant company of Sirius-sdz (which I am really excited about as I LOVE food and Sirius :> ). Enjoy!

nature bokeh stock by koko-stock
March Texture by CD-STOCK<da:thumb id="215259211"/> Texture Joanna by CD-STOCK
<da:thumb id="435691411"/> SmudgeStock  Textures  2007 Unknown 001 by SmudgeStock metal03 by TexturesStock
Stardust Texture II. by galaxiesanddust Texture 470 by Sirius-sdz Condensation water Texture by EpisOd
Crackeled by Izzie-Hill Quarry Texture 12 by jojo22<da:thumb id="429195259"/> W-out freetextures 8 ' Tour de France ' by W-out
Taradennytexture14bw by primalchild
Adventure Time 3 by synesthesea Texture 507 by Sirius-sdz Texture - Tea Paper 11 by shadowgirls-stock Texture 252 by Sirius-sdz
Sum Coffee Paper by Viny-deWonderful Textures - Purple Paint by So-ghislaine Textures - Dark Grunge by So-ghislaine
Texture 64 by Malleni-Stock I. Menzel Texture Stock by redwolf518stock Purple Rain by simplysuzu
42 by Infrablack-stock Vibrant Acrylic Abstract - Exclusive Texture by boldfrontiers<da:thumb id="438031888"/>
Texture 58 by Malleni-Stock Bleeding stone by Requiem-Myre
0013 by koko-stock Copper Colored Texture by Izzie-Hill Texture 001 by Holdbrook
Liquid Yogurt and Handkerchief making deals by Black-B-o-x

Done! :D Hope I didn't forget anything. 
Have a nice day and spread the texture love! ♥

:halfliquid: mercurycode

© 2014 - 2025 mercurycode
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simplysuzu's avatar
Thank you very much for including my photo in this feature. :aww: