The Textures Feature Vol. II

8 min read

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mercurycode's avatar

Hi everyone!

First of all, thank you for over 500 watchers! Can't really imagine that there's so many people who like what I do - but I am more than thankful for that. Also, thanks to the people who made donations in order to support my work here. When I opened that donation pool, I didn't think that there would be donations any time soon. But you surprised me and I don't really know how you thank you for that. Well, except saying thank you! It's a huge motivation for me to carry on with what I do. Now I hope this journal will be a small motivation for the artists featured here, too. Hope you will continue making amazing art!

Milky way by Seykloren
Tree structure by PhoenixARTproduktion
Charred Wood Texture by jojo22 Marble Texture by jojo22<da:thumb id="327153466"/>
Red Onion - texture 2 by Black-B-o-x
Texture 0045 by xDeepLovex
January Texture by CD-STOCK<da:thumb id="173282549"/> Texture 113 by cloaks
30 by Infrablack-stock

Okay, done! Today, sorting these textures was quite a challenge.
So, wish you all a great day and remember:
Spread the texture love! 

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anonymous's avatar
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Thank you very much! congratulations for your gallery is very beautiful. :)