mercurycode on DeviantArt

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mercurycode's avatar

Brushset 08: paint strokes [HIGH RES]

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:pointr: This brushset pack (.zip) contains 12 high resolution brushes. You will unpack an image pack and several individual images (.png) of the brushes plus a Photoshop file (.abr). Also there's an info.txt about the content of the package.

Two simple rules:
1. No redistribution: don't display it as your own with none or minor alterations.
2. Give credit, so others are able to find the source! :pencil:

Other than that: Feel free to use it for whatever you want, wherever you want.

~ I'd love to see how you use the resources, so feel free to send me a link to your work. I'd be happy to give a :+fav:!

:halfliquid: mercurycode
© 2013 - 2024 mercurycode
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ZebraStarStudios's avatar

Sorry, where do I get the brushes? I almost never use DeviantArt 😅