Spoiled RabbitMeowchee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/meowchee/art/Spoiled-Rabbit-198649793Meowchee

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Spoiled Rabbit



I made this for :iconplushie-database:'s contest using this pattern: www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects... because I was inspired by ~EmrT's bunny plushies :D

I named my rabbit Le Regal because of the fancy print on the ears and belly. She has wire whiskers and is mostly made from fleece.

I spoil her by letting her have boba and carrots for dinner XD (Yes, I also made the boba keychain. Perhaps you can win one by participating in my contests here: :iconbubble-tea-lovers: if you're interested, of course) XD

Hope you like! :w00t:
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2400x1988px 1.28 MB
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sarabraun1's avatar
It's cute. It has boba tea and a stuffed carrot. I'm dead jealous.