So, what to put here. Hm...
I am... Me! I love to cosplay, act, model, be silly, and just be myself. If you see me at a convention and want to talk to me, don't be shy! Just come up and say hi, I'm usually really friendly.
If you met me at a convention, then add me on here and I don't seem to remember you, don't feel bad. I'm terrible with names; I usually need to see a picture and have spent a considerable amount of time talking to you. I meet a ton of people at cons, so it's not you, it's me. :-)
I love dragons, Disney, Zelda and Scooby-Doo!!! ^^ If you ever want to make me happy, pick something from there and draw it or whatever.
Hm... What else?
I have a lot of names I go by. >< I seem to gain nicknames everywhere!!
Names you might know me by:
Taika (Taika Lorthen)
Tress (And other variations of my real name. I prefer to not go by that. Privacy things, but apparently everyone has my FB, so they know it. )
Tinkerbell (or just Tink)
The Axel in Drag
Mimic (for you Haunt peeps)
Minuet (Fursona)
Kailani (My mersona - mermaid persona)
Anyways, if you want to know more about me, just ask!
Current Residence: USA
Favourite genre of music: Metal
Operating System: Windows XP
Wallpaper of choice: Varies
Favourite cartoon character: Scooby-Doo, I've loved him since I was like five, and Mistah J (The Joker)
Personal Quote: "Dead wishes fall upon dead ears" -Me