Colored Paper TexturesMentalhead on DeviantArt

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Mentalhead's avatar

Colored Paper Textures



Here's the download link:[link]
Hey :devart: !
This is my first set of textures that I've created, and I hope that you'll like them. :D
I'm no expert when it comes to creating textures, so I'm looking forward to some advices that you might have that can help me out in my future works. This set has 10 textures and they are all 3072×2304.

And now, the rules of usage:

:bulletblue: You’re free to use these textures for personal or commercial projects
:bulletblue: You’re not allowed to redistribute them, edit them, or claim them as your own
:bulletblue: You can share them on your website, but if you do so, make sure that you put a link to this post and not to the zip archive
:bulletblue: If you use them, credit me and put a link to this post or let me know via comments bellow

Since these textures are quite big, you should get them from my site, so check out the link bellow:
Image size
800x600px 371.53 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Mentalhead
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terracircense's avatar
Hey, I used one of your textures from the pack in this work here:

Thank you for the texture! =)