mental-health's avatar


Awareness and Empowerment
Years Ago
415 Members372 Watchers

Let's Talk Mental Health and Importance of Sleep by lost-angle, journal

Speaking out helps other people...... by jennystokes, journal

Who I Am by JonathanLS, literature

Comments 109

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Hey... May I ask to... Basically vent and ask for help? I have some problems in my life that aren't going to go away without me doing... SOMETHING to get out of my situation... But to get out of my situation would be to possibly become homeless, and that scares me more!

Idk what to do, or where to go...

Is there a place specifically here in the group where I can ask for help?

Wow, what a wonderful group on dA!
I'm so happy to see an active group that focuses on mental health.
All the other ones seem dead. Tis rather sad.. :saddummy:
We're trying to be active. A couple of the most vocal members have kind-of moved on (myself included) but we are trying to keep the group alive. :)  Glad you're here.... feel free to jump in and participate!
Thanks for accepting me. I was hoping it would be OK to contribute a project to the group. I have been working on. Positive Pals are some cute drawings I have done to promote self care and positive towards those that have mental health issues. I would like to share them as I make more. Let me know if thats OK and if so which folder should I out them in.…
Sorry for the slow reply. We would love for you to contribute! The Happiness and Positivity folder would be perfect! Thank you. Please just don't send more than maybe 3-4 at a time.