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Game of Thrones - Unseen Westeros - Shield Islands



Earlier this year I had the pleasure to take part in the Game of Thrones exhibition "Unseen Westeros" in Berlin. Together with 40 artists we filled an old factory space with over 80 artworks, all printed out 2 metres wide. All of the artists involved had worked with the IP before and the idea was that we would bring to live locations from the Game of Thrones universe that have never been shown in the TV series. This is the first of three pieces that I made and it shows the Shield Islands, a group of fortified islands off the west coast of Westeros that serves to protect the mainland from the Ironborn.

What do you think? Did any of you by any chance go and see the exhibition? =]

You can also find me here:

More about the exhibition:
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1920x1280px 1.45 MB
© 2019 - 2024 memod
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There's any place were I can find the other pictures?