Broken Party FavorMeltingMan234 on DeviantArt

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Broken Party Favor



So I recently downloaded the new Party Favor model, one of the newest ponies from FiM Season 5, ported it to Gmod, and then this happened. I opened it up and it was a mess of broken bones and physics and I've never had this happen to me. The only other time this has happened is when I tried out the Sugar Belle model, which is also a character from Season 5. So either I'm doing something wrong or the guy who made these models needs to fix it. But yeah, very bizarre. Not even Ragdoll Mover can fix this because it just glitches when I try to use it on Party or Sugar.
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1280x1024px 452.47 KB
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regularshowandsonic's avatar
this happened with my Elusive Model ragdoll DX Elusive is the boy version of rarity in case you didn't know.