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A Sonic OC that used to belong to Virus-20, but now I own her. And it was way overdue for me to give this character some life. I feel like this and Saro will probably be the only time I feel like making Sonic themed OC's. heh maybe I'll have them go on adventures together in the future.
Age: 22
Personality: Tomboy, Kind
Likes: Adventure, mountain climbing, hot cocoa
Bio: Alina usually spends her time in her home territory in the Northern Tundra. She enjoys a good adventure whether it's mountain climbing or reaching point A to point B. And it's more fun for her whenever she has company or a traveling partner. Saro the Rabbit usually ends up being her most recurring partner, despite his lack of enthusiasm for adventure. Although she doesn't like to admit it, she once tried going out with Bark the Polar Bear. But that relationship went south ever since Bark became more involved with Team Hooligan. She usually acts tough but deep down she has a kind heart.
I used to watch your Forgotten Media series when I was younger. I would've never suspected you being Alina's owner lol (no offense).