My Little Pony traditional commissions

2 min read

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MeLoDyMiiau's avatar
I'll be doing commissions for a while - because I need a little bit of money. I draw and color in traditional way (pen + pencils) and then take a high quality photo of the work.

Prices: 5$ or 500 points.
For $ it would be by Paypal and for points it would be by donating to me.

Art Trade - Jennabun by MeLoDyMiiau Draw Pun #2 - iJack by MeLoDyMiiau   Shark Bait - Art Trade by MeLoDyMiiau

(+1$/100points with background) 
Prima (plant) - Art Trade by MeLoDyMiiau

If you want to buy a commission, send me a note please.
© 2015 - 2024 MeLoDyMiiau
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Kyrria101's avatar
Love to buy one sometime ^U^

I just need to save up points! But expect to hear from me sometime in the future! <3