MLP Walker Warrior [Redesign + New Bio]MelodyEverbelle on DeviantArt

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MLP Walker Warrior [Redesign + New Bio]



OC by me
(Walker Warrior)

Old version

Cutie Mark



Name: Walker Warrior

Nicknames: Walkie-Talkie (Referred by Alyssa Rice), Lightning Shield, Double W

Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn

Age: 17

Sexuality: Polysexual

Place of birth: Canterlot

Currently lives: Ponyville

Personality: Sly and slightly intimidating, but is warm and friendly, and genuinely cares about other ponies

Likes: True crime, sci-fi movies, magic, Alyssa Rice, helping and protecting others

Dislikes: Injustice, brutality, terrorism, seeing others get hurt, his past trauma

Hobbies: Studying true crime, spending time with Alyssa, reading books, practicing magic skills

Talent/ability: Security guard 

Backstory: Walker Warrior grew up to have a decent childhood. However, his father, who was a police officer, was killed when Walker was only a foal. Despite his father's death, Walker Warrior was inspired to be a security officer not only to protect other ponies, but to also carry on his father's legacy.

While training to be a security officer, Walker Warrior also spent his time practicing magic. He also studied true crime and learned of its horrors. After finishing his training, Walker Warrior settled into Ponyville for his job. His first job was being a security guard during concerts and other events. This is where he met Alyssa Rice, who was having a concert there as a DJ. During the concert, someone had tried to assassinate Alyssa, but fortunately, Walker had saved her before it was too late. Since the incident, they both had feelings for each other, but the two decided to stay as friends. Walker was also hired to be Alyssa's bodyguard, but only during her concerts.

Despite his trauma, Walker is grateful that it gave him the opportunity to reach for his dreams, especially if it means helping other ponies.


Since it's 2022, I figured that now is the time for me to redesign some of my OCs, cuz my gosh are they bad XD

A lot of you probably either don't remember or even have no idea who this OC is. This is Walker Warrior, who's one of my supporting characters from Alyssa Rice and Friends. He's also known to be Alyssa's crush, which is something I don't talk much about. Sweating a little... 

Also, I have no plans to change his cutie mark, so I'll leave it as it is until I get some inspiration for it.

Feel free to draw Walker Warrior, or any of my OCs if you like! :) (Smile) 

I hope you enjoy, and more art will be coming soon! Love 
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© 2022 - 2025 MelodyEverbelle
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