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MLP Pop Princess (Darby's Alter Ego)




Base by :iconnocturnal-moonlight:

:: MLP base :: pastels are my aesthetic

OC by me
(Pop Princess, aka Darby's alter ego)

Pop Princess's Cutie Mark by AlyssaRicePony 


Name: Pop Princess (Darby's alter ego)

Nicknames: Alyssa, Darby, Destiny, etc.

Gender: Female (she/they)

Species: Alicorn 

Age: 20

Personality: Like Darby, she is creative, optimistic, emotional, and empathetic, but this side is also a bit sassier, greedy, and temperamental

Likes: Music, positivity, creativity, pop culture, singing, makeup, clothes, concerts

Dislikes: Negativity, toxic drama, fake ponies, when things don't go the way she wants

Talent/ability: She is a singer just like her normal side, but unlike Darby, Princess can use her voice to trick other ponies into getting what she wants

: Darby changes to this side as a way to seduce other ponies into getting what she wants. She discovered this side one day when she met Nathan Chen for the second time, and decided to sing a song in front of him with her beautiful voice possible. This magically changed her coat color, cutie mark, and hairstyle, much to the surprise of Nathan and the other witnesses. Darby was slightly scared and embarrassed about this at first, because she thought there was no way to change back to her normal self, but she eventually could, and only turns into Pop Princess when she wants to. She got the name because of her cutie mark having a crown.


First OC of 2023, whoo-hoo! I am a dummy! (Well, technically, it's just my ponysona's alter ego, but still)

I've always loved singing and pretty much expressing myself, even though I'm trying my best at these things. My dream is that one day, I'll be in the entertainment industry so that I can be an animator/cartoonist, writer, actress, artist, filmmaker, and singer. 

Feel free to draw Pop Princess, or any of my OCs if you like! :) (Smile) 

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I hope you enjoy, and more art will be coming soon! Love 
Image size
1170x982px 75.61 KB
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