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Made with DeviantArt muro
I experimented with the new deviantART Muro Drip Brush.
I experimented with the new deviantART Muro Drip Brush.
Introducing the DeviantArt Muro Drip Brush
“It’s just a bunch of dribbles and it’s a mess” is the likely reaction to both a kindergartener’s first attempts with paints and to the signature works of Jackson Pollock. Of all the abstract painters, Jackson Pollock was the easiest to dismiss while, in many ways, was the most complex in the concepts he hoped to covey with his famous drip paintings.
World War II had ended and like wars before had exposed many to horrors touching the depths of the human psyche and challenging its very sense of humanity. The use of atomic weapons, firestorm bombings of major cities and the revelations of mass genocides created a new sense of anxiety for everyone. Processing these feelings was difficult. Pollock in these paintings was doing exactly that and more — an attempt to transmit anxiety with a form of visual exorcism with results that could be as beautiful as they are, at times, dark.
Image size
1280x800px 367.65 KB
© 2016 - 2025 MelMuff
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Okay so I like this sooo damn much.
It's like a really nice piece abstract art.
The colors go really well together an the way you did it is awesome!
If I could but this for real I would and I would hang it in my room.
Tbh I don't think you really have anything to improve on.
Although it may of not taken long, I always go by the term "Less is more!"
It's a wonderful piece of art and it really inspires me.
I can't really think what else to say but this just really makes me smile <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="" data-embed-type="emoticon" data-embed-id="366" title=" (Big Grin)"/>
Very creative