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Holding Hands Visual Poem



“Holding Hands”

The flowers may have withered,
their smell no longer sweet,
the presents may have shattered
into pieces at our feet.
The suit that you were wearing
may have shrunken in its girth,
the dress that once did sparkle
may no longer be of worth.
The pictures might be faded,
we might lose our wedding bands,
but none of it would matter
as long as we are holding hands.

How it should be...

This was written in 1994.

Thank you so much to !clear-moments for allowing me to use his image, [link]
He has a beautiful gallery...I hope to use more of his pieces in future visual poems! :D

Original poem by me, © melanie joy 2008

I give permission to ~Unique-Manip, =PoetryPlease, and *Visual-Poetry-Club to display this in their galleries.

:iconpicturelit: :iconjust-imagine-it: :iconemotions-in-art:
Image size
1020x470px 72.58 KB
© 2008 - 2024 meljoy68
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ItsAnneChickenNugget's avatar
I love this so much-it does seem like nothing matters if you're holding hands with someone you love..