Sonic 2 Birthday CakeMegWhiteIII on DeviantArt

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MegWhiteIII's avatar

Sonic 2 Birthday Cake



Cake I made for my brother's 21st Birthday. The design is the bonus round from Sonic 2 on the Sega Mega Drive. Genoise sponge with raspberry jam and butter cream filling. Covered with a layer of orange coloured buttercream and decorated with fondant icing. It took a lot of food colouring to make it so blue!

P.S. no offence to Tails fans, I used to play this with my brother when we were younger (and still do...) and I always had to be tails. I always hit into bombs because I'm too busy running round in loops and end up losing loads of rings XD Anywho, I needed it to total 21 and thought a negative number for me would be funny!
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600x450px 39.36 KB
© 2009 - 2025 MegWhiteIII
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MetalShadowOverlord's avatar
You can almost taste the nostalgia.