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Super Mario Level Themes (My Version)



Here's my version of the Super Mario level themes. Here's what they are from left to right, top to bottom.
  1. Ground
  2. Sky
  3. Underground
  4. Forest
  5. Underwater
  6. Ghost House
  7. Desert
  8. Airship
  9. Snow
  10. Castle
Which ones did you like the most? If I were to make more level themes, which ones should I make?
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768x1080px 161.31 KB
© 2022 - 2024 MegaToon1234
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Mario’s powerups in themes

  1. Ground (Super Mario)

  2. Sky (Raccoon Mario)

  3. Underground (Fire Mario)

  4. Forest (Goomba's Shoe)

  5. Underwater (Frog Mario)

  6. Ghost House (unknown powerup)

  7. Desert (Ice Mario)

  8. Airship (Hammer Mario)

  9. Snow (Tanooki Suit Mario)

  10.  Castle (Caped Mario)

In the Ghost House theme, I don't know Mario is has powerup. In the 8-bit mockup, Mario in what unknown powerup has a gray cap, shirt and overalls, like Fire Mario has orange shirt, the 16-bit is now yellowy white. Also has a possibly also has a flash light-like cap, with possibly a yellow light, laser or otherwise. What is the powerup with item, forms on Mario, Luigi, Toad and Toadette?, the name of item and form, and the 16-bit colors?