Esk 5618 + 5619 |Monthly Prompt| Jan 2024 | MusicMegabites-Art on DeviantArt

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Esk 5618 + 5619 |Monthly Prompt| Jan 2024 | Music


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The distant sounds of traffic and general small town noises were extremely muffled by the time they reached the abandoned gardens which were Esk 5618 and 5619's favorite place to hang. The gardens had long been left behind by human traffic and only the occasional human ventured there. They were beautiful during the day with the climbing ivy, overgrown flowers, and crumbling walls but at night they could be quite intimidating and haunting.

On this particular day it was bright and sunny. Esk 5619, Natari was lounging on top of a large rock wall while her partner in crime, Numa, was sneaking through the bushes. The "twins" were similar in looks but one could tell them apart once you knew which twin you were looking at. Additionally, once you got to know them their personalities were different as well. 

Natari was more of a regal Esk with a relaxed nature. It wasn’t easy to ruffle her feathers and she took most things in stride with blinking a non-existent eye (if Esks could blink anyways). She was longer in body but shorter limbed than Numa. Each leg was adorned with a single black pearl pepper about the ankle versus her sister whose nature features were higher up on the leg. Numa also had three black pearl peppers on each leg and she had an additional nature feature on her shoulders; coral bells. Natari was sleek and nimble; she could approach quietly without anyone being aware and disappear without a trace. Natari had a single tail that ended with a tip that very much resembled an artist’s paintbrush. 

Numa on the other hand was a more noble sized Esk with an eccentric personality. Much like her namesake song, Numa Numa by the group O-Zone. She was bouncy and energetic. Sneaking was not her forte and she had much longer limbs than her “twin”. Black pearl pepper flowers adorned her face and she had two tails which seemed to have a mind of their own. On her back were the plastic remains of a sketchbook binding, her original form, which gleamed in the light and sometimes gave her position away. 

Numa crawled carefully through the bushes pretending that she wasn’t making any noises as the leaves crunched beneath her paws. If she had a mouth it would be grinning with mischievous and glee. If Natari had a face she would be rolling her eyes and suppressing a groan.

“What are you doing”? Natari’s bell-like voice entered Numa’s mind via telepathy. 

“I want to see the birds!” Numa’s energy practically bounced across their connection. 

“Are you trying to sneak up on them or stamp them into submission like a herd of elephants would to the grass?” Natari was teasing her now.

“Shhhhh. You’re breaking my concentration.” Numa could feel Natari chuckling. 

“Why do you want to “see” the birds?” Natari asked. Numa was at the edge of the bushes now and she laid carefully down watching the birds. Her tails switched slowly behind her like a cat stalking its prey. “You can’t see.”

“I like to listen to them.” Numa replied. Numa was the one that painstakingly refilled the bird feeder each day. Every day she ventured into town and delivered freshly picked flowers to two Esks who resided in a flower shop. In exchange, those Esks gave her enough bird seed to fill the feeder. Numa rose and slinked through the tall grass. Amazingly the birds did not seem to notice her or at this point they didn’t care. Natari was sure they were used to Numa’s antics. 

Numa reached the base of the bird feeder. She tilted her head upside down as she wound around the thin tree trunk that served as a pole. Numa loved to be in odd puzzles; if she could eat her favorite food would have been pretzels. 

“Now what are you doing?” Natari shook her head; the position looked uncomfortable.

“From here, I can hear their little chirps. Their little clawed feet digging around in the seed. It’s so cute.” Numa giggled in connection between their minds. 

She continued slowly rising and inching her way closer to the bird feeder as she sat back on her haunches, “I can see each individual feather. Feel the air move as they ruffle their wings. They’re so shiny…” Suddenly a flurry of wings exploded and the birds fled the bird feeder. 

Numa’s thoughts turned serious, “I wonder why they’re so shiny but when you pick up a loose feather it’s dull? How do I get a shiny feather? I want it to stay shiny!” She shook her head; slightly saddened the birds flew away.

Natari paused; unsure what to say, “...”

“I would never hurt them though,” Numa said sincerely. “I would miss them greatly and I love to listen to them so.” She cocked her head; thinking again. “I wonder if I was a sketchbook?” She was referring to the plastic rings on her back. Most abnormal Esks retained part of their original form when they transformed into their Esk forms.  “That would make me feel so complete to find out I used to be a sketchbook of a nature artist. Someone who hiked trails and visited gardens and drew the birds!”

Natari “smiled” sending positive energy to her “twin”. “It’s your story; write it how you want to.” 


Base Score: 4 GP (Shaded Illustration)

+2 GP (Full Body)

+10 GP (Full/Scenic Background)

+1 GP (Monthly Prompt)

Total GP per submission: 17

Base Score: 10 AP (Shaded Illustration)

+5 AP (Full Body)

+30 AP (Full/Scenic Background)

+10 AP (Monthly Prompt)

+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)

+10 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 1)

+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)

Total AP per submission: 90


Base Score: 8.5 GP (Writing: 889 words)

+1 GP (Monthly Prompt)

+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)

Total GP per submission: 15.5

Base Score: 17 AP (Writing: 889 words)

+10 AP (Monthly Prompt)

+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)

+10 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 1)

+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)

+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)

Total AP per submission: 70



January 2024

All  around us we hear it - the swish of breeze through the grass, the trill  of bird song, the babbling song of rivers and streams. what music makes  up your esk's boundary? is it animal song, the howl of arctic gales,  the rattle of train tracks? is it human music? show or write about how  music is part of your esk's world - either in their past, or their  present.

Natari is owned by @Utakame

Time To Create: 7ish hours

Medium: Ipad, Ipencil, Ibis Paint

References: Yes

-Birdfeeder - looked at the one in my grandparents' back yard

Image size
1536x2048px 306.8 KB
© 2025 Megabites-Art
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AlexSerim's avatar

Hello Megabites-Art,
I love this new art and the curious Esk creatures in it! :la: :heart: I wish to draw such lively scenes too :love: :dummy:

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