1954 Hudson Italia - High VoltageMedvezh on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/medvezh/art/1954-Hudson-Italia-High-Voltage-746899745Medvezh

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Medvezh's avatar

1954 Hudson Italia - High Voltage



So you love classic cars, but you are too green to stand the pollution they create every second? Let's equip them with electric engine! F**k exhaust gases! Let's f**k up the air with power plant pollution, it's much better and healthier! And as bonus we can f**k the nature up with battery acids.

OK, those were just my two cents to the 'environment-friendly cars'. The vehicle portrayed is a 1954 Hudson Italia rebuilt to a restomod electric car. The paintjob was chosen to follow the engine swap (you all know that triangular "DANGER - HIGH VOLTAGE" sign, right?). There are little touches here and there all over the car:
- cabriolet conversion,
- lower suspension,
- rear wheels are now fully covered in a soapbox car fashion (I also removed the ugly taillights - just google them; OMG...),
- removed chromed bar on the side line,
- changed side indicator on the wheel arch, integrated the front ones to the headlamps, which are also equipped with daylight LEDs,
- changed the ugly square-patterned grill to bars,
- removed the terrible triangular something in the center of the front bumper (google this detail too; OMG twice),
- added side mirrors, new emblem and custom rims with electric themed details (also appear on the headlamps),
- added the famous and supercool Dave Kindig patented door handles.

Did it really take me 7 months to start drawing something new?????

Enjoy the artwork, I welcome every comment, fav or critique!!!

Image size
1600x1200px 1.01 MB
© 2018 - 2025 Medvezh
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M96-80-GT1-CX's avatar

Interesting car,even if its an EV (even more if I'm a proud petrolhead)