This Is Who I AmMediumSizeTex on DeviantArt

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MediumSizeTex's avatar

This Is Who I Am



Is it not enough that I’m in the background?

You wanna drop me because of how my voice sounds?

Well I apologize if I ever made you sad
But I will not be sorry for being who I am

This is who I am

How could you try and change who I’ve always been
What did I do wrong?
I never wanted any of this
I’m sorry if I ever offended any of you
But I am who I am,
There’s not much more that I can do

--Between Fairytales And Happy Endings, by Prince Whateverer

Tumblr version here.
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lynx318's avatar
Eat that Hasbro™!!
In a wheelchair now, so thank-you for standing up for those of us who can't!