
The Narrative OC MEME 3

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MeAsTheNarrator's avatar

Literature Text

I. Choose up to five (5) of your favorite original story characters that will embark in this role-play. If you don't have five (5) then leave them blank (or create a character on the spot!) Be sure to give a little description of them:





II. Character Two  has taken a part-time job as a substitute teacher at a learning facility. How did their first day go? What were they teaching?

III. Character One  and Character Five   are hired as police officers and end up placing Character Three  into custody. Does everything go smoothly?

IV. Character One  and Character Two  happen do discover a strange artifact while rummaging through an abandoned warehouse. Both fight and argue on over the artifact until one of them wins. Explain what the artifact looks like.

V. Depending on who wins the strange artifact, either Character One  or Character Two  are granted two wishes. The first wish is granted but the second wish is interrupted and used by Character Four . How did it happen? What were the wishes?

VI. Character Five is asked to give a eulogy for the passing of Character Three . What exactly did they say about Character Three ?

VII. Either through meditation or the act of magic, Character Two  ends up fighting their doppelgänger from an alternate universe. Only one wins.

VIII. All of the Characters unwilling get together to play a game of cards. How well does this go? Give details.

IX. Curiosity gets the best of Character Five  and they decide to go snooping around in Character Three's room. What do they find? Is it something they wish they hadn't?

X. Character Two  and Character Four  are trapped in a cave. Character Two  expresses strange feelings for Character Four . Before Character Four  can agree, Character One  saves them.  What happens next?

XI. All of the Characters have been stranded on an island for a long time. They are finally rescued but there is only one survivor. What exactly happened on this island? How did they get there? Why did one person survive?

XII. In an alternate universe, Character Five  is an animal/human (if they are an animal… then a human.) What type of animal/human are they? Describe them.

XIII. Character Three  is in jail and is about to be saved by Character Four . Character Four 's plan is flawless yet they somehow end up trapped in jail with Character Three . Where did they go wrong?

XIV. A character of your choice decides to form a cult. Explain what their cult is about.

XV. Character Two  finds a demonic sword and is offered power if they allow the sword to devour their soul. Do they take the offer? If so, what happens to Character Two?

XVI. Once again, All of the Characters have fallen into the past; they are all playing "house." Who take the roles as the parents? Who are the siblings? Who got stuck playing the pet?  Why doesn't the game last long?

XVII. All of the Characters have decided to go camping. They all sit listlessly around a campfire until one of the characters decides to tell a scary story. What is the scary story about? Who gets scared? Who keeps interrupting? Who fell asleep? And, who ate all of the food?

XVIII. Before we go, All of your Characters want to take a moment to tell you what they think about the other characters in this adventure.





:faint:HOLY SH!T... You thought it was over! The Narrative Meme is here.. this time the stops are being pulled!! I was up all night trying to think of ideas for this meme. it seems I have taken a liking to the group parts that were featured in the first and second meme. This one pulls out three of them (or was it for... I don't remember). I do hope this one happens to be as fun as the first two were. There is more alternate universe and fountain of youth going on here lol.. As usual these are meant to be detailed... Write a book for each question. Go Crazy... If you use it just let me know... link me.. watch me... fav this... read my terrible stories... do something...

Now start writing...! :work:

In this one... The lucky numbers are One and Two :evillaugh:

:bulletred: This Meme is a deviation... not a journal entry... Please submit results as prose.
:bulletred: This Meme is not like those other ones... Put thought into it... make it EPIC

Don't forget to check out mine
Omg... I am still working on the second MEME... :wtf:..

For the Newbies
Be sure to check out the first Narrative Meme [link]

For the Obsessed
There is a second Narrative Meme too [link]

:pointandlaugh:What is a narrative?

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MayraGlez's avatar
Is it allright if I use this, and credit you? just letting you know! :D
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