You lower yourself to me and kiss those tremulous lips. My reflexes make me spit back at you and as a repayment you punch me again; with a rough kiss afterwards to ease the pain. I try to be strong; however, each action you do strip away a fragment of my pride.
You tear away my clothes vigorously. Not caring about my buttoned shirt or my pants, disposing them only a couple of inches away from us.
Your repeated punching muffles my cries and soon after I go silent, closing my eyes and letting my fingers dig deep into the earth. You weren't the one I had met months ago. Everything about you had changed almost overnight; from the way you smiled to the way you spoke. It made me feel as though you had forgotten who I was all together as if you blocked out the happy times we shared. Or maybe that is what turned you this way to begin with.
I never knew that it would be me as the narrator...