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small edit: cropped a little X3
Another random ilustration, with related theme to my latest work:

I just wanted to draw some bindweeds, cause today i coincidentaly found random photo with it, and it looked like a carpet there, so i wanted to draw something like that X3
So yeah, another posing Emi
and it's a break from important stuff again orz
Emily © me
Another random ilustration, with related theme to my latest work:

I just wanted to draw some bindweeds, cause today i coincidentaly found random photo with it, and it looked like a carpet there, so i wanted to draw something like that X3
So yeah, another posing Emi
and it's a break from important stuff again orz
Emily © me
Image size
1180x747px 648.69 KB
© 2010 - 2025 meago
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Just.. speechless!