Unova Gym Leader Trainer CardsMDCCLXXVI on DeviantArt

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Unova Gym Leader Trainer Cards



Back in the day I really wanted to do an EEnE/Pokemon fanfiction crossover, but as years went by my interest in writing fanfiction has dwindled as I've moved onto wanting to create original projects now. However, as a request from AliciaSoraFiora97, I decided to finally go through and create a set of gym leader teams for the Unova region as if the cast of EEnE was traveling through it. Take note that in this universe, it would take place three years after Black & White 2, so Cilan, Chili, Cress and Brycen are out of retirement now, meaning that Unova is loaded with gym leaders.
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1476x342px 171.48 KB
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