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With three Captain America issues coming out this last week of the year, it seemed like a good time to get back into the Girlfriends series with longtime Cap'n crush Sharon Carter.
The costume design is simple. Really simple. Like "Disco Jumpsuit" simple. Or Emma Peel's catsuits from The Avengers TV series.
So I had this premise of a negative spacing rendering in my head from the initial conception. Then I drew it and, in my usual manner, over-detailed the costume. This led to various versions with half-tones and shading, a version with just the zipper and piping and finally here... where I always intended it to be. So I'm eating up all the memory on my computer with the variants I make on every project.
PITT Pens and Adobe Photoshop CS.
The costume design is simple. Really simple. Like "Disco Jumpsuit" simple. Or Emma Peel's catsuits from The Avengers TV series.
So I had this premise of a negative spacing rendering in my head from the initial conception. Then I drew it and, in my usual manner, over-detailed the costume. This led to various versions with half-tones and shading, a version with just the zipper and piping and finally here... where I always intended it to be. So I'm eating up all the memory on my computer with the variants I make on every project.
PITT Pens and Adobe Photoshop CS.
Image size
900x1078px 130.86 KB
© 2011 - 2025 mcguan
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Do you mind if I use this in a fanedit on tumblr? I'd credit and link you, of course.