Editorial illustration, comic book art, graphic design, the back of a photocopied piece of paper, a bar napkin, whatever... I'm pretty much always drawing. And if I'm not, I'm thinking about what I should draw later.
Professionally I have a few editorial illustrations under my belt, and I have penciled (and on occasion inked) several comic books for companies like Moonstone Books, Markosia and Monkeybrain Comics. Including:
Lai Wan #1 - pencils
Airboy and the Air Fighters #1 & 2 - pencils and inks on the Airboy chapters
Smoke & Mirror (vol.1 no. 5) - pencils
Project Eon (issues 2 &3) - pencils
BOO! (Issue 2) "The Night The Dead Rocked Texas" - Pencils, Inks, Colors
Current Residence: Illinois
Operating System: Mac
Love that JJJ, Miles and Silver Sable, but that Nicholas Hammond Spider-Man is really great. Both these pieces (this and the villains) are jaw-dropping!